WordPress Web Development, WooCommerce, SEO / Social Media Services
How SEO, User Experience (UX) and Social Media Work Together
I provide a blended approach of Website Usability/UX (User Experience), SEO services and Social Media integration. I believe concentrating on just one approach is short sighted, and that all three must be used in tandem to achieve the best results.
Let’s say you have a website selling staplers. You offer a big selection, cheaper staple refills and free delivery!
However, an organic ranking high and “above the fold” for the “staplers” your West Michigan based company sells, is going to be nearly impossible, because your competition is Office Max and Amazon and Walmart and Office Depot, and a potential customer probably won’t continue on until page 7 where your lonely stapler website resides.
Long Tail SEO
You, however, happen to feature a stapler shaped like The Eiffel Tower. Which is very rare. It’s just one of the hundreds of staplers you feature, but with some simple SEO strategies from your specialist, you CAN come up #1 for a Google search on Eiffel Tower Staplers!

Eiffel Tower Staplers!
By optimizing for the more specific term of Eiffel Tower Staplers, (or long tail keywords) IF, by chance, someone IS searching for Eiffel Tower Staplers, your site and the product you offer is a perfect fit, and Google should serve it accordingly.
Therefore, a searcher would most probably click on that Eiffel Stapler search result link, and end up on your website! Problem solved, right?
Not necessarily.

This is when UX (User Experience) comes in.
Ask yourself these questions:
- Is your phone number on every page of your website?
- When the searcher clicks on that link, do they end up on the page displaying the Eiffel Tower Stapler itself, or do they have go to looking for it?
- Is there more than one view of the stapler? Is the price displayed clearly?
- Is the site secured by SSL (Secure Socket Layer), meaning the end user can conduct credit card transactions with peace of mind? (the “Lock” icon?)
- Is your site’s security policy there and easy to understand? Is your return policy stated?
- Do you suggest, as an added item, the accompanying Leaning Tower of Pisa Staple Remover?
- Can they sign up for your newsletter which features your new novelty staplers?
OR, when the searcher clicks through to your site, do they immediately click BACK to the search results? (this is called the page’s ‘bounce rate’)
Google & Social Media
Google is increasingly incorporating social signals into it’s algorithm, such as when a Facebook friend of yours ‘likes’ a website or someone you follow on twitter +1’s a product they have seen.
So when you search for Staplers that look like famous buildings, and your boss is in your search result Facebook “liking” or retweeting a really cool stapler she bought locally, you are going to check it out!